September 19, 2003
@ 12:58 AM
Open Source XML Projects for the .NET Framework

Oleg Tkachenko just announced XInclude.NET v1.0 which is an implementation of the W3C XInclude Candidate Recommendation. If you use DTDs as inclusion mechanism in the .NET Framework you can now graduate into the new millenium by grabbing Oleg's latest work.

Oleg has also been helping me with the EXSLT.NET project which started off as a merger of the source code from my EXSLT: Enhancing the Power of XSLT article and his Producing Multiple Outputs from an XSL Transformation but on its way to becoming as complete an implementation as we can muster of EXSLT. Shoutouts also go out to Dimitre Novatchev and Paul Reid for their help with this.

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