There was a recent posting on the RSS Bandit bug forum entitled Weblog comments do not appear in listview where the author wrote

I use Wordpress to generate my site feed ( Wordpress supports wfw:commentRSS, but RSS Bandit is unable to show comments for posts in this feed inside the listview (the way it does for Dare's and other MSDN weblogs). Instead, I have to click through to go to the comments page.

I've since tweaked the basic Wordpress RSS2 generator routine to include slash:comments -- a temp feed is available here:

Since the element in question is supported by RSS Bandit and I can view comments just fine in any dasBlog or Community Server::Blogs (formerly .TEXT) weblog I assumed this was a bug in WordPress. Eventually I tracked down the problem to an issue of capitalization.

The element in question is called wfw:commentRss in Chris Sells' original specification but incorrectly transcribed as wfw:commentRSS in Joe Gregorio's list of the wfw namespace elements. Since it looks like at least one blog tool uses the latter capitalization the next version of RSS Bandit will support both versions of the element. This means that comments to blog posts on WordPress-based blogs will now show up in the next version of RSS Bandit.