I've been using MSN Virtual Earth
for a while now and like it quite a lot. However there is definitely room for improvement and I'm glad to
see that the team is soliciting feedback from users on what features
they consider most important for the next release. In the post
Suggestions for Virtual Earth Release 2? they write
The VE team is rolling on the next release and is interested in your
feature requests. Lets make it interesting - You have 10 bucks to spend
on features. How would you spend 'em? Post your comments here. My shopping list
might look like this -
4 Street maps for Italy
3 Driving directions integrated in the application and not linked off to
3 improved WiFi coverage for the Locate me feature in rural areas.
You get the idea. Go ahead, buy your features. Just remember to stay within
your budget 
If you use VE and have some features you'd like to see in the next
release, go ahead and post a comment with your requests. Here's how I'd
spend my $10 on features; $2 to expand the Virtual Earth API to include
conversions from physical addresses to latitudes & longitudes (aka
geocoding), $3 to integrate driving directions into VE as opposed to
being linked to http://maps.msn.com as is done today, $4 to add the ability to store my favorite locations in VE, and $1 to add maps of Canada to the service.
So how would you spend your dollars on VE features?