I just found out about Yahoo! Open Shortcuts. This is SICK!!!. Yahoo! has done it again. The excerpt below is taken from the FAQ
- How do I use it?
- Do you have some shortcuts that are ready to
- How do I create my own?
- How do I manage my Open Shortcuts?
- Is there search meta word trigger?
- Can I name my shortcut the same name as a default
- I've got feedback about Yahoo! Open Shortcuts. Who do
I tell?
How do I use it?
Type an ! (exclamation point) followed by the name of the
shortcut in the Yahoo! Search box.
!my to navigate to
!wsf to search "weather san francisco"
on Yahoo!
For shortcuts that search favorite sites or start an Internet application,
you can also type optional term(s) after the shortcut name.
!shortcut_name term(s)
!ebay lamps to search for "lamps" on
!mail bill@yahoo.com to send email to "bill@yahoo.com"
Do you have some shortcuts that are ready to use?
These popular shortcuts are available for immediate use:
Navigation |
!clist |
http://www.craigslist.org/ |
!my |
http://my.yahoo.com/ |
!mysp |
http://www.myspace.com/ |
Search |
!amazon |
!audio |
http://audio.search.yahoo.com/search/audio?p=%s |
!ebay |
http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?satitle=%s |
!flickr |
http://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/%s/ |
!image |
http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images?p=%s |
!mw |
http://myweb2.search.yahoo.com/myresults/ourresults?p=%s |
!news |
http://news.search.yahoo.com/news/search?p=%s |
!php |
http://www.php.net/%s |
!shop |
http://search.shopping.yahoo.com/search?cop=mss&p=%s |
!video |
http://video.search.yahoo.com/search/video?p=%s |
!wiki |
http://en.wikipedia.org?search=%s |
Application |
!note |
http://notepad.yahoo.com/?v=161&DESC=%s |
!mail |
How do I create my personal shortcuts?
To create a navigational shortcut, use the keyword: !set
with your shortcut name and destination URL.
!set shortcut_name URL
To create a shortcut named "ff" to go to Yahoo! Sports Fantasy
Type: !set ff
To create a common search shortcut, use the keyword: !set
with your shortcut name and the query.
!set shortcut_name query
To create a shortcut named "watx" to search Yahoo! for "weather
austin texas",
Type: !set watx weather austin texas
To create a shortcut that searches a favorite site or starts an Internet
application, use the keyword: !set with your shortcut name and
the destination URL. Within the URL, substitute the query term(s) with the "%s"
!set shortcut_name URL_%s
To create a shortcut named "yf" to search stock quotes on Yahoo!
Type: !set yf http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=%s
This is extremely useful. I've been wanting a short cut for searching
Wikipedia on popular search engines for quite a while. Just for this
feature alone I can see my usage other search engines dropping.