I noticed today that the W3C has a draft spec named Widgets 1.0 that has the following abstract
This document describes widgets. It covers the packaging format, the
manifest file config.xml
, and
scripting interfaces for working with widgets.
The type of widgets that are addressed by this document are usually
small client-side applications for displaying and updating remote data,
packaged in a way to allow a single download and installation on a client
machine. The widget may execute outside of the typical web browser
interface. Examples include clocks, stock tickers, news casters, games and
weather forecasters. Some existing industry solutions go by the names
"widgets", "gadgets" or "modules".
I read the spec and it's unclear to me after reading what problem it is actually trying to solve. Is this supposed to make the lives of widget developers easier? Doesn't seem like it. Is it targetted at vendors that are building proprietary widget platforms like Yahoo!, Microsoft and Fox Interactive Media (MySpace's parent company)? Not really from what I read. At best, it seems this is trying to change the fact that the primary way of sharing widgets across sites is copying & pasting HTML code you find on places such as MySpace scripts and Video Code Zone by building a more complicated system which hopefully can then be integrated into Web browsers as native functionality to 'eventually' make things easier.
Yeah, right. Good luck with that.