From the blog post on the Windows Live Search team's blog entitled Search on the Go with Live Search for Mobile Beta we learn
we’re proud to announce three new ways to search on the go:
Mobile Software
– Download an application to your
phone for local search, maps, driving directions, and live traffic information
in a faster, richer and more interactive user interface. It's the best way to
search from your phone.

Mobile Browsing -
Access maps and directions directly on your phone’s browser. Simply enter into your
phone’s address bar and select Map. Choose from the scopes of Local, Web, Map,
News and Spaces and get Live Search from your mobile
Text Messages (SMS) - If you don’t have a data plan, you can simply
send a text message to 95483 (WLIVE) with a query like “Toys
Chicago, IL” or “Coffee 90210” and you’ll immediately receive a text message
reply with the nearest business listings with address and phone
This is a pretty sweet release and I can't wait to get it on my AudioVox SMT 5600. So far, the release has been favorably reviewed by those that have tried it including Gizmodo which has an article entitled Windows Live Search For Mobile vs. Google Maps Mobile which ends on the following note
If you're using a Windows Mobile phone, we'd definitely recommend you
try out Windows Live Search. The Java-based Google Maps is just too
buggy and slow, not to mention clunky, to be useful to us.
Not bad, eh? I thought Google was the king of innovative search products. :) Speaking of innovation and Microsoft, there is a debate between Robert Scoble and Dave Winer in a recent Wall Street Journal article Is Microsoft Driving Innovation
Or Playing Catch-Up With Rivals? which has both bloggers going head to head on whether Microsoft is innovative or not. Interesting read.