Brad Fitzpatrick, founder of Livejournal, has a blog post entitled Naming twins in Python & Perl where he writes

Last night at Beau's party, one of Beau's guests mentioned he's expecting twins shortly, which is why is wife wasn't at the party.
I drunkenly suggested he name his kids two names that were anagrams of each other. I then wandered off downstairs to find such suitable names.
Because I'm supposed to be be working in Python these days, not Perl, I gathered what little Python knowledge I had and wrote out:


by_anagram = {}

names_file = open("dist.male.first")
for line in names_file:
    # lines in file look like:
    # WILLIAM        2.451 14.812      5
    # we want just the first field.
    name = (line.split())[0]
    letters = [letter for letter in name]
    sorted_name = "".join(letters)
    if not sorted_name in by_anagram:
        by_anagram[sorted_name] = []

for sorted_name in by_anagram:
    if len(by_anagram[sorted_name]) < 2:

    print by_anagram[sorted_name]
Not so happy with it, but it worked, and I printed out the results and brought them up to the guy

You can guess where this is going. Below is my solution in C# 3.0

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.IO;

namespace Name_agram{
    class Program{
        static void Main(string[] args){
            var names    = from line in File.ReadAllLines("dist.male.first.txt")
                           let name = line.Split(' ')[0]
                           group name by new string(name.ToCharArray().OrderBy(x=>x).ToArray()) into anagrams
                           select anagrams;
            foreach (var list_of_names in names) {
                if (list_of_names.Count() > 1)
                    Console.WriteLine(String.Join(" ",list_of_names.ToArray()));

There are a ton of solutions in various languages in the comments to Brad's post. Again, it is startling to see how different an idiomatic C# 3.0 solution using LINQ is from the traditional imperative/procedural style of programming.

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