I was recently reading a blog post in response to one of my posts and noticed that the author used my wikipedia entry as the primary resource to figure out who I am. The only problem with that is my Wikipedia entry is pretty outdated and quite scanty. Since it is poor form to edit your own Wikipedia entry I am at a quandary.
My resume is slightly more up to date, it is primarily missing descriptions of the stuff I worked on at Microsoft last year. Thus I saw two choices. I could either change the “About Me” link on my blog to point to my resume or I could implore some kind soul in my readership to update my entry in Wikipeda. I decided to start with the latter and if that doesn’t work out, I’ll be updating the “About Me” link to point to my resume.
Thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to update my Wikipedia entry (not vandalize it
Now playing: Ice Cube - Ghetto Vet