I'll be attending the SXSW interactive conference this weekend and wanted to share my schedule for any of my blog readers who want to meet up and chat after one of the sessions I'll either be attending or participating in.
10:00 am · Is Privacy Dead or Just Very Confused? (danah boyd on privacy & social networks)
11:30 am · The Search for a More Social Web (Dave Morin from Facebook talking about the industry's search to make the Web more social. The kind of talk I'd have expected to be given by Kevin Marks)
2:00 pm · Opening Remarks: Tony Hsieh (the founder of Zappos.com talks about their legendary reputation as the kinds of customer service)
3:30 pm · Feed Me: Bite Size Info for a Hungry Internet (your opportunity to heckle me on a panel – Facebook, FriendFeed, Yammer and Windows Live folks on the future of feeds in social networks)
5:00 pm · <nothing in this time slot interests me>
6:30 pm · Salon: Friendship is Dead (I always love discussions on whether social networks have devalued the notion of friends or made some of these ties stronger. wonder if they'll talk about Cameron Marlow's research on Maintained relationships in Facebook)
10:00 am · <nothing in this time slot is in my areas of interest>
11:30 am · OpenID, OAuth, Data Portability and the Enterprise (Joseph Smarr and Kaliya Hamlin are well known for getting identity, authentication and authorization concerns on the Web so it will be interesting to hear their perspectives on what lessons can transfer to the enterprise, if any)
2:00 pm · <I'll spend this time getting my affairs in order since I go straight to the airport after my panel>
3:30 pm · Post Standards: Creating Open Source Specs (another opportunity to heckle me on a panel – two people from Microsoft on a panel on "open source" specs !?!)
I'll try to write up the sessions I attend while on the plane and will post them next week if I get around to it.
Now Playing: Geto Boys - My Mind's Playin Tricks On Me