There was an article in the The Register earlier this week titled Twitter fanatic glimpses dark side of OAuth which contains the following excerpt
A mobile enthusiast and professional internet strategist got a glimpse of OAuth's dark side recently when he received an urgent advisory from Twitter. The dispatch, generated when Terence Eden tried to log in, said his Twitter account may have been compromised and advised he change his password. After making sure the alert was legitimate, he complied.
That should have been the end of it, but it wasn't. It turns out Eden used OAuth to seamlessly pass content between third-party websites and Twitter, and even after he had changed his Twitter password, OAuth continued to allow those websites access to his account.
Eden alternately describes this as a "gaping security hole" and a "usability issue which has strong security implications." Whatever the case, the responsibility seems to lie with Twitter.
If the service is concerned enough to advise a user to change his password, you'd think it would take the added trouble of suggesting he also reset his OAuth credentials, as Google, which on Wednesday said it was opening its own services to work with OAuth, notes here.
I don't think the situation is as cut and dried as the article makes it seem. Someone trying to hack your account by guessing your password and thus triggering a warning that your account is being hacked is completely different from an application you've given permission to access your data doing the wrong thing with it.
Think about it. Below is a list of the applications I've allowed to access my Twitter stream. Is it really the desired user experience that when I change my password on Twitter that all of them break and require that I re-authorize each application?
I suspect Terence Eden is being influenced by the fact that Twitter hasn't always had a delegated authorization model and the way to give applications access to your Twitter stream was to handout your user name & password. That's why just a few months ago it was commonplace to see blog posts like Why you should change your Twitter password NOW! which advocate changing your Twitter password as a way to prevent your password from being stolen from Twitter apps with weak security. There have also been a spate of phishing style Twitter applications such as TwitViewer and TwitterCut which masquerade as legitimate applications but are really password stealers in disguise. Again, the recommendation has been to change your password if you fell victim to such scams.
In a world where you use delegated authorization techniques like OAuth, changing your password isn't necessary to keep out apps like TwitViewer & TwitterCut since you can simply revoke their permission to access your account. Similarly if someone steals my password and I choose a new one, it doesn't mean that I now need to lose Twitter access from Brizzly or the new MSN home page until I reauthorize these apps. Those issues are orthogonal unrelated given the OAuth authorized apps didn't have my password in the first place.
Thus I question the recommendation at the end of the article that it is a good idea to even ask users about de-authorizing applications as part of password reset since it is misleading (i.e. it gives the impression the hack attempt was from one of your authorized apps instead of someone trying to guess your password) and just causes a hassle for the user who now has to reauthorize all the applications at a later date anyway.
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