Below is the list of features I want to add over the coming months in order of priority. If you're interested in RSS Bandit's development post a response with the list of features you would like to see in order of priority.
Support synchronizing RSS Bandit state accros multiple machines using SIAM.
Experiment with ways to improve performance like removing dependence on SgmlReader and working on multithreading issues..
Work on getting localized versions of RSS Bandit for various languages. Need to recruit translators.
Figure out how to locate interesting content. Perhaps via Technorati integration?
Support blog posting using ATOM API.
Support ATOM syndication format.
I'm really running out of ideas of features to add to RSS Bandit. It seems we already have more features than most other Windows desktop aggregators and there is only so much more we can add. Torsten is still looking at doing weird, wild, wonderful stuff like seeing what it would look like to add ThreadArcs to RSS Bandit.