It looks like I didn't get an Extreme XML column out last month. Work's been hectic but I think I should be able to start on a column by the end of the week and get it done before the end of the month. I have a couple of ideas I'd like to write about but as usual I'm curious as to what folks would be interested in reading about. Below are three article ideas in order of preference.
Using Javascript, XMLHttpRequest and RSS to create an MSN Spaces photo album browser: The RSS feed for a space on MSN Spaces contains information about the most recent updates to a user's blog, photo album and lists. RSS items containing lists are indicated by using the msn:type element with the value "photoalbum". It is possible to build a photo album browser for various spaces by using a combination of Javascript for dynamic display and XMLHttpRequest for consuming the RSS feed. Of course, my code sample will be nowhere near as cool as the Flickr related tag browser.
Fun with operator overloading and XML: This would be a follow up piece to my Overview of Cω article. This article explores how one could simulate adding XML specific language extensions by overloading various operators on the System.Xml.XmlNode class.
Processing XML in the Real World: 10 Things To Worry About When Processing RSS feeds on the Web: This will be an attempt to distill the various things I've learned over the 2 years I've been working on RSS Bandit. It will cover things like how to properly use the System.Xml.XmlReader class for processing RSS feeds in a streaming fashion, bandwidth saving tips from GZip encoding to sending If-Modified-Since/If-None-Match headers in the request, dealing with proxy servers and authentication.
Which ones would you like to see and/or what is your order of preference?