It seems just like yesterday when the tech blogosphere was abuzz with news that analyst Michael Gartenberg was leaving Jupiter Research for Microsoft. So you can imagine my surprise to fire up his blog today to find the post And Back to Analyst… where he writes

This is a difficult post to write. But after  much of thought, I have decided not to remain with Microsoft and I am returning to JupiterResearch as of Monday 3/12.

At my core, I am an analyst. It’s what I do and I do it well and after much thought, I realize I’m just not ready to stop doing that job just yet. I believe Jupiter itself is poised for some amazing things in the future and I’ve invested too much in the company to feel good about walking away at this point. Therefore I have decided to return and I am pleased that I have been welcomed back. My thanks to everyone I have worked with at Microsoft.

Wow, that was quick.


Wednesday, 07 March 2007 22:02:17 (GMT Standard Time, UTC+00:00)
Wow. The Channel 9 evangelists are dropping like flies. :(
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