We are now feature complete for the next release of RSS Bandit. Interested users can download it at RssBandit. All bugs specific to the previous alpha release have been fixed. The next steps for us are finish working on documentation, translations and fixing any bugs that are reported during the beta with the intention of shipping a final release in the next two weeks.

Check out a screenshot of the Wolverine Beta which shows some of the new features such as newspaper styles and the additional columns in the listview. The major new features are listed below but there are couple of minor ones such as proxy exclusion lists and better handling of SSL certificate issues which aren't listed. There will be a comprehensive list of bug fixes and new features in the announcement for the final release.

NEW FEATURES (compared to v1.2.0.117)

  • Newspaper styles: Ability to view all unread posts in feeds and categories or all posts in a search folder in a Newspaper view. This view uses templates that are in the same format as those used by FeedDemon so one can use RSS Bandit newspaper styles in FeedDemon and vice versa. One can choose to specify a particular stylesheet for a given feed or category. For example, one could use the slashdot.fdxsl stylesheet for viewing Slashdot, headlines.fdxsl for viewing news sites in the News category and outlook-express.fdxsl for viewing blog posts.  

  • Column Chooser: Ability to specify which columns are shown in the list view from a choice of Headline, Topic, Date, Author, Comment Count, Enclosures, Feed Title and Flag. One can choose to specify a column layout for a particular feed or category. For example, one could use the layout {Headline, Author, Topic, Date, Comment Count} for a site like Slashdot but use one like {Headline, Topic, Date} for a traditional blog that doesn't have comments.

  • Category Properties: It is now possible to specify certain properties for all feeds within a category such as how often they should be updated or how long posts should be kept before being removed. 

  • Identities: One can create multiple personas with associated information (homepage, name, email address, signature, etc) for use when posting comments to weblogs that support the CommentAPI.

  • del.icio.us Integration: Users who have accounts on the del.icio.us service can upload links to items of interest directly from RSS Bandit.  

  • Skim Mode: Added option to 'Mark All Items As Read on Exiting a Feed' 

  • Search Folder Improvements: Made the following additions to the context menu for search folders; 'New Search Folder', 'Refresh Search', 'Mark All Items As Read' and 'Rename Search Folder'. Also deletion of a search folder now prompts the user to prevent accidental deletion

  • Item Deletion: News items can be deleted by either using the [Del] key or using the context menu. Deleted items go to the "Deleted Items" special folder and can be deleted permanently by emptying the folder or restored to the original feed at a later date.

  • UI Improvements: Tabbed browsers now use a multicolored border reminiscent of Microsoft OneNote.

POSTPONED FEATURES (will be in the NightCrawler release)

  • NNTP Support
  • Synchronizing state should happen automatically on startup/shutdown
  • Applying search filters to the list view 
  • Provide a way to export feeds from a category


Saturday, 05 February 2005 16:40:17 (GMT Standard Time, UTC+00:00)
Dare...I haven't taken a look at RSSBandit in a long time. You've made some great improvements. When I get my blog back up (slightlybent.com) I intend to do a nice review of it.

One question - Is there a way to reset the column widths in the Feed Details pane and maintain them? I can move them to the desired width but the minute I change folders they reverts back.
Ron Green
Saturday, 05 February 2005 20:18:31 (GMT Standard Time, UTC+00:00)
Go to 'Tools->Columns->Use Layout As Default for Feeds'. This is used to specify that the current column layout should be applied to all feeds
Saturday, 05 February 2005 21:11:35 (GMT Standard Time, UTC+00:00)
Dare (and all) thanks for another great feature laden release of RSSBandit!!

You forgot (kind of) one feature-- is the newspaper views work on the search folders as well. It is sort of implied, but not directly stated. Since it is a little differnet since on the search folder it gets the items whether they are new or not where the regular feeds and groups newspaper view show only new items.

Keep up the good work...I look forward to my plugin becoming obsolete in future versions
Saturday, 05 February 2005 22:44:34 (GMT Standard Time, UTC+00:00)
Doesn't work. The use current for catergories works for categories though.
Ron Green
Saturday, 05 February 2005 23:15:04 (GMT Standard Time, UTC+00:00)

I've been using RSS Bandit for the past few months and just downloaded the new beta. Very nice work. I love the newspaper views and that fact that it is configurable on a per-feed basis. This makes me much more productive catching up on feeds. Also, I find myself seeing things that I otherwise would have missed because of poor title choice. Thanks to you and the other contributors to the product! No bugs so far.

Johnnie Walker
Sunday, 06 February 2005 02:34:10 (GMT Standard Time, UTC+00:00)
terrific job.. thanks to you & your team..
Sunday, 06 February 2005 02:53:06 (GMT Standard Time, UTC+00:00)
That sounds like a bug. I'll investigate and make sure it is fixed before the final release.
Sunday, 06 February 2005 05:02:53 (GMT Standard Time, UTC+00:00)
Thanks Dare.
Ron Green
Sunday, 06 February 2005 13:43:08 (GMT Standard Time, UTC+00:00)

good work.. really nice!
(posted/commented to wrong post earlier)

Best regards / MfG,
Joerg Battermann
http://www.justBE.com – blog: http://blog.justBE.com

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Monday, 07 February 2005 05:54:16 (GMT Standard Time, UTC+00:00)
The newspaper view is cool...until you click a category with several hundred feeds. RssBandit is eating memory like crazy. In 10 seconds, the VM size goes up to 200M and keeps growing. I have to attach a debugger to kill it.

Maybe you should have a button to turn it on and off, and by default to turn it off.
Monday, 07 February 2005 15:17:59 (GMT Standard Time, UTC+00:00)
The problem with categories with several hundred feeds loading slowly has little to do with newspaper views and more to do with trying to load thousands of posts and their linked posts into the listview at once.

Newspaper views do cause a memory problem which I plan to tackle somewhat before we finally release. Being feature complete doesn't mean we won't be making changes to improve performance.
Monday, 07 February 2005 19:02:50 (GMT Standard Time, UTC+00:00)

Maybe you can limit the number of posts (say 50) in one page in newspaper views, and provide a forward/backward button in newspaper view.

As of today, I am so afraid of clicking a category, or a feed with a lot of posts (like weblogs.asp.net feed and channel9 feed). Also switching between feeds is very slow due to this issue.
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