As I mentioned a few weeks ago, we plan to ship an alpha of the next version of RSS Bandit [codenamed Nightcrawler] next week. So far we've been making some progress towards that goal. I checked in the changes to enable marking items as read or flagging them from the newspaper view and I've already found it to be quite useful. A screenshot is below
I've also been hard at work implementing support for synchronization with Newsgator Online via the Newsgator API. It's been more difficult than I expected but I'm sure our users will love being able to move between a web based aggregator or a desktop aggregator as the need arises but have their subscriptions and items they've read stay consistent between both places. Ideally the experience should be the same as moving back and forth between Web mail (e.g. Hotmail) and a desktop mail reader (e.g. Outlook Express).
I've also completed our support for Atom 1.0 and tested against a number of known Atom 1.0 feeds in the wild.
Torsten is working on the new subscription wizard and the podcasting support which should be finally checked in by next week.
By the way Torsten has started an RSS Bandit new logo design contest and we'd appreciate your comments. It seems a lot of our users who use RSS Bandit from their place of work feel our current smily face icon and logo are unprofessional. I don't mind changing our application icon but would probably like to keep the smily bandit in the logo.
So it looks like we are on track for having the installer for the Nightcrawler alpha available next week. Hope you guys like the new features.