April 12, 2005
@ 04:44 PM

This is primarily a bug fix release that fixes a couple of issues that weren't caught in beta testing for the previous release.

Download the installer from here. Differences between v1.3.0.26 and v1.3.0.29 below.


FEATURE: The 'Take over proxy settings from Internet Explorer' feature now supports proxy configuration scripts.

FEATURE: Traditional Chinese translation added.

FIXED: Application would crash on startup with the following error message; "ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Length cannot be less than zero"  

FIXED: Dates in the RFC 822 format not containing the seconds caused problems

FIXED: Search scope settings in search folders are lost after restart of the application

FIXED: A web search engine cannot be removed from the list of defined search engines

FIXED: Column layouts not synchronized during remote storage

FIXED: RSS 2.0 feeds with extension elements before the <rss> element could not be read

FIXED: HTTP Digest authentication was not supported for feeds

FIXED: Enable Alert Windows for New Items setting resets on remote feedlist download or on restart

FIXED: Feed Desktop Alerts now display the newest item(s) first

FIXED: Feeds with invalid value in the HTTP "Last-Modified" header could not be read.

FIXED: Application would crash with the following error message; "NullReferenceException caused in WinGuiMain.SaveUIConfiguration() at ThreadedListView.FeedColumnLayoutFromCurrentSettings()"