January 31, 2002
@ 11:58 PM

Just when I thought Signal 11's whining couldn't get any louder, he outdoes himself with this thoughts of suicide submission to the story queue. Signal 11's attention whoring and general cluelessness about life have finally pissed me off enough to break my personal rule to not resort to personal attacks in a diary. Rant below.




This entire thread is dumb. From the submitters clueless yet willing to draw paranoid conclusions postings to Jamie's inadvertant confession that he has no idea what he is talking about especially when it comes to technology but won't fail to bash MSFT when he gets the chance.

That bites, I was really hoping for an informed technical discussion on the merits/demerits of the CLR vs. the JVM but it seems so far unless I go ahead and write it up I'm never going to see it. *sigh*




OK, this is going to be long. The pivotal event in my life occured yesterday and now I can catch everyone up on what's been going on with me in no particular order.

Most importantly, Igraduated this past fall with HIGHEST HONORS. Or so I thought.

Well, it turned out that I failed Physics (Yeah, taking 20 hours at Georgia Tech while writing articles on the side isn't as smart as I thought it was) and now may have to stick around for a semester and retake Physics.

More below.




January 4, 2002
@ 11:58 PM

The only thing more irritating than the mind numbing lack of Technical articles on K5 is the fact that one of Signal 11's whiny, how-hard-I-have-it-as-a-white-male articles made it to the front page.

When exactly did K5's readership change so much? I seem to remember a much more technical crowd especially when I go back and read the responses to some of my old stories.




So I got C#/Java article got posted on Slashdot and knew it was just a matter of time before some idiot who didn't read the article posted some idiocy similar to Eloquence's crap from my Open Source and security article about how it was written by an MSFT shill.

I am highly amused. Just like I thought I found a good Carnage4Life is a MSFT shill thread with some twit from




November 14, 2001
@ 11:58 PM

This post by greenrd amused a few of us in school today. It's a typical example of how the "can't codes" that visit Slashdot think programming is such a magical activity that the shitty practices in some Open Source code can be excused because those programmers are l337 h4x0rs.




While giving a group presentation to the TA of my operating systems class on how our modifications to the Linux kernel memory allocation scheme I had an epiphany. realized that I'm going to be under-utilized when I start work next year.




Comments like this one are why I find reading Slashdot so humorous. Some Apple code monkey writes a script that uses rm -rf without being careful (use quotes, watch those spaces) but somehow this is an opportunity to bash Microsoft?

I love that place.




Just read Slashdot and saw two great trolls. The first is explained here. Basically this slashdot story is based off of this comment which was ripped of from a previous slashdot story and posted anonymously to some forum. Okay that's not really a troll.

How about this utterly clueless post that claims Virtual memory is way overrated that is currently at +5 Informative. If you don't have an Operating System background you may not get why that post is so ridiculous so I'll explain below.




I just saw the Best Slashdot Troll Yet, and was highly amused. What was truly funny was seeing all these people from MIT debunking the claim that such a project exists only for some Slashbots (or trolls?) to argue that it's possible for a project of that magnitude to be kept secret from the CS department's OS department by a "phantom" professor. Entertainment galore.


