March 21, 2005
@ 12:02 PM

TDavid has a post critical of MSN Spaces where he writes  I think it's about time for another MSN Spaces update.

I'm starting to lose interest in MSN Spaces as a blogging tool.

Some of the future features that have been hinted at like the ability to host a spaces at our own domain like blogger does need to come to fruition to revitalize my interest in this service. I purchased a domain for this very purpose months ago and they sit, collectin dust.

Not just me though, I don't hear many others talking about MSN Spaces any more either. I know the target audience isn't regular bloggers, but just people who want to have a journal, but if Microsoft really wants MSN Spaces to compete with blogger then they need to add the ability to run off their own domain and open up the template customization a lot more.

Otherwise this will become -- maybe it already is -- just a glorified diary for sharing notes, pictures and music playlists with family and friends.

I'll let Mike talk about upcoming features, site updates and the like. There is one thing, I would like to address though. If people view MSN Spaces as a place for people to share their words, music and images with their friends and family then it would be fulfilling our goals for the site and I'd view it as an unbridled success. In my post entitled Why MSN Spaces and not MSN Blogs? I wrote

As to why they are called "spaces" as opposed to "blogs" it is because we believe there is more to sharing one's experiences online than your online journal. People want to share their thoughts, their favorite music, their favorite books, pictures of their loved ones and so on. It isn't just  posting your thoughts and experiences in the reverse chronological order which is what typically defines a "weblog". It's supposed to be a person's personal space online which was the original vision of personal publishing on the Web which spawned the personal homepage revolution a couple of years ago. Weblogs are the next iteration of that vision and we expect MSN Spaces to be the refinement of that iteration.

MSN Spaces is designed to allow people to create textual and visual diaries of their lives to share with others. We aren't the only one's that believe this as is evidenced by competing services such as Yahoo! 360° which has borrowed a leaf or two from our book. I'm curious as to what other goals a weblogging service could have?


Categories: MSN

A few days ago I wrote a post entitled Bringing Affirmative Action to Blogging where I jokingly asked whether we would need a blaggercon conference for black bloggers. Less than a week later I found out there was a blogging while black panel at the SXSW conference via Nancy White's blog. The blogged transcript of the panel interesting.

Another thing I found interesting was the ratio of men to women at the panel which Nancy White put at 28:80 (35%) which is quite impressive for a technology conference. This compares unfavorably with the O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference which a number of women in technology have criticized for being heavily male dominated. These posts include SXSW, why i attended and marginalized populations by Danah Boyd, why sxsw by Liz Lawley and Number 9 Number 9 Number 9 by Shelley Powers. These posts mainly point out that given that both ETech and SXSW were being held at the same time, it seems many women chose the latter over the former. Funny enough, while I did get the feeling that there were way too many white guys at ETech even for a technology conference I wasn't thinking "where are the women?" but instead "where are all the Indian men?". I guess that reveals something about me.

Speaking of conferences,  I did find Dave Winer's post on two-level communities to be quite interesting. Specifically

Last week there were two conferences that I didn't go to but followed through the Web. I could have gone to either of them in person, if I had been willing to pay their fees, and been willing to be in the audience or the hallways, at all times. In other words, I would have to accept my place as a second-level person, an outsider, in the presence of insiders...I remember well what it was like going to Esther's conferences in the 80s, when the insiders all had someone to eat with, and I was paying thousands of dollars for the priviledge of eating by myself because I didn't know anyone.

There's also a post in a similar vein from a participant at SXSW entitled How it feels to be an outsider which goes into more detail about what it feels like to be an outsider at one of these conferences.

Personally I got a lot of value out of ETech. From a technical perspective, I got first hand proof that REST is sweeping SOAP+WSDL as the technology of choice for building Web services from a diverse and knowledgeable set of folks.  From a personal networking perspective I got to chat with Sam Ruby, Steve Gillmor, Anil Dash, Brad Fitzpatrick, Ben Trott, Erik Benson, Adam Bosworth (the conversation was very interesting, expect more about this in a later post), Marc Canter, Kevin Marks, Jeremy Zawodny, Nelson Minar and a bunch of other people. Then there's the fact that I got to spend time hanging out with folks from work outside of meetings and email discussions.

I find it surprising that there are people who go to conferences to attend talks and 'eat by themselves'. However thinking about it now there definitely is a certain clique-like feel to the entire technology conference scene which I'm sure extends to academic and professional conferences as a while.


Categories: Ramblings

Steve Rider, one of the great folks behind, has started a category on his blog devoted to the site. His first post discusses some of the changes they've made to the site in the past week. He writes

As soon as I finish this post I'll be digging in my heels for the afternoon and working on OPML import support and increasing the number of headlines per feed.  Hey, what are rainy Sunday afternoons for?

Here are some of the improvements we've made since we were "discovered" a week and a half ago:

  • Full Firefox support
  • Migrated from cookie-based solution to back-end store for feeds and preferences
  • Removed the restriction on the number of feeds that can be added
  • Added ability to delete items from My Feeds and Recent Searches
  • Title of module is now hyperlinked (oops) and also gets updated if the title in the RSS feed is different
  • Show search history in correct order
  • Lots of fit and finish and minor cosmetic changes

  • Fixed a few problems with the ActiveX control that were causing boomarks not to be imported (there are still a couple of issues affecting some users)
  • Added OPML import support
  • Increased performance when fetching from server by making more async calls

One of the features I asked Steve for was OPML import so it's good to see that it's already being added to the site. I didn't realize how fast they'd be turning around on feature requests. Looks like I should dust off my list of feature requests for online aggregators and swing by Steve's office sometime this week. Sweet.


Categories: MSN | Syndication Technology

March 20, 2005
@ 07:40 PM

This is the final release of the version formerly codenamed "Wolverine". This is the most significant release to date and has a ton of cool features. Enjoy.

Download the installer from here. Differences between v1.2.0.117 and v1.3.0.26 below.


Newspaper styles: Ability to view all unread posts in feeds and categories or all posts in a search folder in a Newspaper view. This view uses templates that are in the same format as those used by FeedDemon so one can use RSS Bandit newspaper styles in FeedDemon and vice versa. One can choose to specify a particular stylesheet for a given feed or category. For example, one could use the slashdot.fdxsl stylesheet for viewing Slashdot, headlines.fdxsl for viewing news sites in the News category and outlook-express.fdxsl for viewing blog posts.

Column Chooser: Ability to specify which columns are shown in the list view from a choice of Headline, Topic, Date, Author, Comment Count, Enclosures, Feed Title and Flag. One can choose to specify a column layout for a particular feed or category. For example, one could use the layout {Headline, Author, Topic, Date, Comment Count} for a site like Slashdot but use one like {Headline, Topic, Date} for a traditional blog that doesn't have comments.

Item Deletion: News items can be deleted by either using the [Del] key or using the context menu. Deleted items go to the "Deleted Items" special folder and can be deleted permanently by emptying the folder or restored to the original feed at a later date.

Category Properties: It is now possible to specify certain properties for all feeds within a category such as how often they should be updated or how long posts should be kept before being removed. Integration: Users who have accounts on the service can upload links to items of interest directly from RSS Bandit.

Skim Mode: Added option to 'Mark All Items As Read on Exiting a Feed'

Scoped Search: Searches can be restricted to specific feeds or categories. So now one can create searches like finding all unread messages that are a week old which contain 'Microsoft' in the title from the Slashdot, InfoWorld or Microsoft-Watch feed.

Search Folder Improvements: Made the following additions to the context menu for search folders; 'New Search Folder', 'Refresh Search', 'Mark All Items As Read' and 'Rename Search Folder'. Also deletion of a search folder now prompts the user to prevent accidental deletion

Subscribing to Web Search Results: Previous versions allowed users to search Web search engines from RSS Bandit, add search engines of their choice as well as specify whether the results were RSS or not. In this version, users can now subscribe to RSS search results after they are returned. By default, MSN Search and Feedster are installed as web search engines with RSS results.

UI Improvements: Tabbed browsers now use a multicolored border reminiscent of Microsoft OneNote.

Identities: One can create multiple personas with associated information (homepage, name, email address, signature, etc) for use when posting comments to weblogs that support the CommentAPI.

Proxy Exclusion List: Users can specify domains which should be accessed directly instead of via the proxy server when making HTTP requests

HTTP Cookie Support: We now support HTTP cookies when requesting feeds.

Delta Encoding in HTTP Support: We support the RFC3229+feed technique when downloading feeds as described at

Better SSL Certificate Error Handling: If there is a problem with the SSL certificate of a site RSS Bandit now provides a dialog with the error information so users can make an informed decision instead of just erroring.


* Fixed issue where a feed with an invalid XML character is encountered it fills the Feed Errors folder with repeated messages whose title begins with "Refresh feed '' failed with error:[], hexadecimal value [] is an invalid character..."

* Comments now sorted from oldest to newest

* Comments now sorted visually differentiated from posts that link to an entry

* Fixed issue where we can't get title from feed that requires username/password in the New Feeds dialog even if they are specified

* Automatic feed detection now ignore feeds a user allready subscribed to

* Fixed issue with ObjectDisposedException sometimes thrown when notification windows pop up

* Fixed issue where if the URL for a feed is changed using the Properties dialog then all old posts are deleted

* Fixed issue where WordPress comment feeds don't show up in RSS Bandit because they use wfw:commentRSS instead of wfw:commentRss

* Clicking on a category node now shows all items from feeds in nested categories as well as child feeds instead of showing items from child feeds only

* Flagged items no longer marked as unread when placed in a flagged item folder

* Fixed issue where updating a search folder's properties leads to duplicate search folders being created

* Fixed issue where errors on loading a cached feed file prevent the feed from being updated from the Web

* Fixed issue where if RSS Bandit is not yet running and you select "Subscribe in default aggregator" within the web browsers context menu or provide url's at the command line, it displays an empty category dropdown.

* URLs containing Cr/Lf no longer cause an error on startup due to a data format XML schema exception

* Locate Feed feature now recognizes Atom autodiscovery links on Blogspot blogs

* Fixed issue where startup position of main window not correct on multi-screen systems

* Fixed issue where we get a feed error when an item in the feed contains an empty slash:comments element


Categories: RSS Bandit

March 20, 2005
@ 05:05 PM

I went to see the movie Robots based on the positive reviews of it on Yahoo! Movies both by critics and regular Yahoo! users. The only positive thing I can say about this movie is that the animation was quite good. Everything else about the movie sucked. The songs were annoying, the characters irritating, the jokes were unfunny and the story plodded along in an uninteresting fashion.

Sitting through the movie until the end was an ordeal for myself and the everyone I saw the movie with. Avoid this movie like the plague.

Rating: ** out of *****


Categories: Movie Review

These are my notes from the Odeo -- Podcasting for Everyone session by Evan Williams.

Evan Williams was the founder of Blogger and Odeo is his new venture. Just as in his post How Odeo Happened Evan likens podcasting to audioblogging and jokingly states that he and Noah Glass invented podcasting with AudioBlogger. Of course, the audience knew he was joking and laughed accordingly. I do wonder though, how many people think that podcasting is simply audioblogging instead of realizing that the true innovation is the time shifting of digital media to the user's player of choice.

The Odeo interface has three buttons across the top; Listen, Sync and Create. Users can choose to listen to a podcast from a directory of podcasts on the site directly from the Web page. They can choose to sync podcasts from the directory down to their iPod using a Web download tool which also creates Odeo specific playlists in iTunes. 

The Odeo directory also contains podcasts that were not created on the site so they can be streamed to users. If third parties would rather not have their podcasts hosted on Odeo they can ask for them to be taken down.  

The Create feature was most interesting. The website allows users to record audio directly on the website without needing any desktop software. This functionality seems to be built with Flash. Users can also save audio or upload MP3s from their hard drive which can then be spliced into their audio recordings. However one cannot mix multiple audio tracks at once (i.e. I can't create an audio post then add in background music later, I can only append new audio).

The revenue model for the site will most likely be by providing hosting and creating services that allow people to charge for access to their podcasts. There was some discussion on hosting music but Evan pointed out that there were already several music sites on the Web andd they didn't want to be yet another one.

Odeo will likely be launching in a few weeks but will be invitation-only at first.


This was a late breaking session that was announced shortly after The Long Tail: Conversation with Chris Anderson and Joe Kraus. Unfortunately, I didn't take my tablet PC with me to the long tail session so I don't have any notes from it. Anyway, back to Google Code.

The Google Code session was hosted by Chris DiBona. The Google Code homepage is is similar to YSDN in that it tries to put all the Google APIs under a single roof. The site consists of three main parts; information on Google APIs, links to projects Open Sourced by Google that are hosted on SourceForge and highlighted projects created by third parties that use Google's APIs.

The projects Open Sourced by Google are primarily test tools and data structures used internally. They are hosted on SourceForge although there seemed to be some dislike for the features of the site both from Chris and members of the audience. Chris did feel that among the various Open Source project hosting sites existing today, SourceForge was the one most likely to be around in 10 years. He mentioned that Google was ready to devote some resources to helping the SourceForge team improve their service.


Categories: Technology | Trip Report

These are my notes on Introduction to Yahoo! Search Web Services session by Jeremy D. Zawodny

The Yahoo! Search web services are available on the Yahoo! Search Developer Network(YSDN) site. YSDN launched by providing web services that allow applications to interact with local, news, Web, image and video search. Web services for interacting with Y!Q contextual search was launched during ETech.

Jeremy stated that the design goal for their web services was for them to be simple and have a low barrier to entry. It was hoped that this would help foster a community and create two-way communication between the Yahoo! Search team and developers.  To help foster this communication with developers YSDN provides documentation, an SDK, a blog, mailing lists and a wiki.

Requests coming in from client applications are processed by an XML proxy which then sends the queries to the internal Yahoo! servers and returns the results to developers. The XML proxy is written in PHP and is indicative of the trend to move all new development at Yahoo! to PHP.

Some of the challenges in building YSDN were deciding what communications features (wiki vs. mailing list), figuring licencing issues, and quotas on methods calls (currently 5,000 calls per day per IP address). In talking to Jeremy after the talk I pointed out that rate limiting by IP penalizes applications used behind a proxy server that make several requests a day such as RSS Bandit being used by Microsoft employees at work. There was a brief discussion about alternate approaches to identifying applications such as cookies or using a machine's MAC address but these all seemed to have issues.

Speaking of RSS, Jeremy mentioned that after they had implemented their Web services which returned a custom document format he realized that many people would want to be able to transform those results to RSS and subscribe to them. So he spoke to the developer responsible and he had RSS output working within 30 minutes. When asked why they didn't just use RSS as their output format instead of coming up with a new format, he responded that they didn't want to extend RSS but instead came up with their own format. Adam Bosworth mentioned afterwards that he thought that it was more disruptive to create a new format instead of reusing RSS and adding one or two extensions to meet their needs.

Then there was the inevitable REST vs. SOAP discussion. Yahoo! picked REST for their APIs because of its simplicity and low barrier to entry for developers on any platform. Jeremy said that the tipping point for him was when he attended a previous O'Reilly conference and Jeff Barr from Amazon stated that 20% of their API traffic was from SOAP requests but they accounted for 80% of their support calls.

Jeremy ended the talk by showing some sample applications that had been built on the Yahoo! Search web services and suggesting some ideas for members of the audience to try out on their own.


Categories: Trip Report | XML Web Services

These are my notes from the "Just" Use HTTP session by Sam Ruby

The slides for this presentation are available. No summary can do proper justice to this presentation so I'd suggest viewing the slides.

Sam's talk focuses on the various gotchas facing developers building applications using REST or Plain old XML over HTTP (POX). The top issues include unicode (both in URIs and XML), escaped HTML in XML content and QNames in XML content. A lot of these gotchas are due to specs containing inconsistencies with other specs or in some cases flat out contradictions. Sam felt that there is an onus on spec writers to accept the responsibility that they are responsible for interop and act accordingly.

At the end of the talk Sam suggested that people doing REST/POX would probably be better of using SOAP since toolkits took care of such issues for them. I found this amusing given that the previous talk was by Nelson Minar saying the exact opposite and suggesting that some people using SOAP should probably look at REST.

The one thing I did get out of both talks is that there currently isn't any good guidance on when to use SOAP+WSDL vs. when to use REST or POX in the industry. I see that Joshua Allen has a post entitled The War is Over (WS-* vs. POX/HTTP) which is a good start but needs fleshing out. I'll probably look at putting pen to paper about this in a few months.



Categories: Trip Report | XML Web Services

These are my notes on the Building a New Web Service at Google session by Nelson Minar

Nelson Minar gave a talk about the issues he encountered while shipping the Adwords API. The slides for the talk are available online. I found this talk the most useful of the conference given that within the next year or so I'll be going through the same thing at MSN.

The purpose of the Adwords API was to enable Google customers manage their adwords campaigns. In cases where users have large numbers of keywords, it begins to be difficult to manage an ad campaign using the Web interface that Google provides. The API exposes endpoints for campaign management, traffic estimation and reporting. Users have a quota on how many API calls they can make a month which is related to the size of their campaign. There are also some complex authentication requirements since certain customers give permission to third parties to manage their ad campaigns for them. Although the API has only been available for a couple of weeks there are already developers selling tools that built on the API.

The technologies used are SOAP, WSDL and SSL. The reason for using SOAP+WSDL was so that XML Web Service toolkits which perform object<->XML data binding could be used by client developers. Ideally developers would write code like

adwords = adwordsSvc.MakeProxy(...)
adwords.setMaxKeywordCPC(53843, "flowers", "$8.43")

without needing to know or understand a lick of XML. Another benefit of SOAP were that it has a standard mechanism for sending metadata (SOAP headers) and errors (SOAP faults).

The two primary ways of using SOAP are rpc/encoded and document/literal. The former treats SOAP as a protocol for transporting programming language method calls just like XML-RPC while the latter treats SOAP as a protocol for sending typed XML documents. According to Nelson, the industry had finally gotten around to figuring out how to interop using rpc/encoded due to the efforts of the SOAP Builders list only for rpc/encoded to fall out of favor and document/literal to become the new hotness.

The problem with document/literal uses of SOAP is that it encourages using the full expressivity of W3C XML Schema Definition (XSD) language. This is in direct contradiction with trying to use SOAP+WSDL for object<->XML mapping since XSD has a large number of concepts that have no analog in object oriented programming.

Languages like Python and PHP have poor to non-existent support for either WSDL or document/literal encoding in SOAP. His scorecard for various toolkits in this regard was

  • Good: .NET, Java (Axis)
  • OK: C++ (gSOAP), PERL (SOAP::Lite)
  • Poor: Python (SOAPpy, ZSI), PHP (many options)

He also gave an example that showed how even things that seemed fundamentally simple such as specifying that an integer element had no value could cause interoperability problems in various SOAP toolkits. Given the following choices

<foo xsi:nil="true"/>

The first fails in current version of the .NET framework since it maps ints to System.Int32 which is value type meaning it can't be null. The second is invalid according to the rules of XSD since an integer cannot be empty string. The third works in general. The fourth is ghetto but is the least likely to cause problems if your application is coded to treat -1 as meaning the value is non-existent.

There are a number of other issues Nelson encountered with SOAP toolkits including

  • Nested complex types cause problems
  • Polymorphic objects  cause problems
  • Optional fields cause problems
  • Overloaded methods are forbidden.
  • xsi:type can cause breakage. Favor sending untyped documents instead.
  • WS-* is all over the map.
  • Document/literal support is weak in many languages.

Then came the REST vs. SOAP part of the discussion. To begin he defined what he called 'low REST' (i.e. Plain Old XML over HTTP or POX) and 'high REST'. Low REST implies using HTTP GETs for all API accesses but remembering that GET requests should not have side effects. High REST involves using the four main HTTP verbs (GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE) to manipulate resource representations, using XML documents as message payloads, putting metadata in HTTP headers and using URLs meaningfully.

Nelson also pointed out some limitations of REST from his perspective.

  • Development becomes burdensome if lots of interactivity in application (No one wants to write lots of XML parsing code)
  • PUT and DELETE are not implemented uniformly on all clients/web servers.
  • No standard application error mechanism (most REST and POX apps cook up their own XML error document format)
  • URLs have practical length limitations so one can't pass too muh data in a GET  
  • No WSDL, hence no data binding tools

He noted that for complex data, the XML is what really matters which is the same if you are using REST or SOAP’s document/literal model. In addition he felt that for read-only APIs, REST was a good choice. After the talk I asked if he thought the Google search APIs should have been REST instead of SOAP and he responded that in hindsight that would have been a better decision. However he doesn't think there have been many complaints about the SOAP API for Google search. He definitely felt that there was a need for more REST tools as well as best practices.

He also mentioned things that went right including :

  • Switch to document/literal
  • Stateless design
  • Having a developer reference guide
  • Developer tokens
  • Thorough interop testing
  • Beta period
  • Batch methods (every method worked with a single item or an array which lead to 25x speed up for some customers in certain cases). Dealing with errors in the middle of a batch operation become problematic though. 

There was also a list of things that went wrong 

  • The switch to document/literal cost a lot of time
  • Lack of a common data model
  • Dates and timezones (they allowed users to specify a date to perform operations but since dates don't have time zones depending on when the user sent the request the results may look like they came from the previous or next day) 
  • No gzip encoding
  • Having quotas caused customer confusion and anxiety  
  • No developer sandbox which meant developers had to test against real data
  • Using SSL meant that debugging SOAP is difficult since XML on the wire is encrypted (perhaps WS-Security is the answer but so far implementations are spotty)
  • HTTP+SSL is much slower than just HTTP.
  • Using plain text passwords in methods meant that users couldn't just cut & paste SOAP traces to the forum which led to inadvertent password leaks.

This was an awesome talk and I definitely took home some lessons which I plan to share with others at work. 


Categories: Trip Report | XML Web Services