The term “The real-time web” has become popular as a way to describe burgeoning trends and technologies related to consuming web content as soon as it is created. However like popular buzz phrases such as “services oriented architecture” and “web 2.0” which came before it, there is often difficulty in understanding where the technical details end and where the hype begins. Given that this trend is a fundamental shift in how many users interact with the web, it is a good idea for developers to have a clear idea of the key concepts and implementations options available to them as they bring their applications into real-time web.

What Features and Functionality Make Up the Real-Time Web?

When people talk about the real-time web technologies, they are usually talking about one or more of the following features

  1. Refreshing a web page as new updates are available without reloading the page. A good example of this is seen when performing a search on Twitter and you’ll notice that a yellow bar with a constantly updated number of tweets since you started searching is displayed.

  2. Receiving notifications on content updates as soon as they happen instead of polling. This is primarily about moving away from RSS’s model of polling every couple of minutes or hours and instead having an end point that gets messages delivered as soon as they happen. An example of this is the fact that user status updates from Twitter appear within a second on FriendFeed when the user has hooked up both services. This is in contrast to how long it takes blog posts to show up in the typical RSS reader from when they are published.

  3. Some people consider the universe of status updates on sites like Facebook and Twitter to be the real-time web. For these people, the key interesting technology in this space is the ability to consume a neverending feed of content from these sites (aka a fire hose) and provide search functionality over this data.

We can now take a look at some of the underlying technologies that make some of these user experiences and scenarios possible.

Bringing Real-Time to AJAX: COMET, Long Polling and soon Web Sockets

Most web developers should be familiar with the concept of Asynchronous Javascript and XML (AJAX) which enables the creation of dynamic webpages that can be partially updated without having to reload the site. A traditional AJAX interaction involves the user interacting with part of the page and then the browser submitting the request to the server and then rebuilding that part of the page with the results from the request. However it turns out that there are many situations where an application may want to update parts of a page without waiting for user interaction such as displaying live stock tickers, instant messaging scenarios or showing feedback on an article as comments are posted. The set of approaches to solving this term are typically described using the name COMET.

COMET typically refers to keeping a permanent open connection between a browser and a server using a number of techniques. One approach is the hidden iframe technique. With this technique you create an inline frame (i.e. an iframe) that is hidden from the user and then have the frame slowly filled with content as events occur on the server. This takes advantage of the fact that a browser will keep an open connection to the server as long as a page has not fully loaded. There’s a great example of what generating one of these invisible iframes looks like on the server side in the article How to implement COMET with PHP

  header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
  header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");

  ?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">
  <html xmlns="">
    <title>Comet php backend</title>

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
  <script type="text/javascript">

    // KHTML browser don't share javascripts between iframes
    var is_khtml = navigator.appName.match("Konqueror") || navigator.appVersion.match("KHTML");
    if (is_khtml)
      var prototypejs = document.createElement('script');
      var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head');
    // load the comet object
    var comet = window.parent.comet;
  while(1) {

    echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
    echo 'comet.printServerTime('.time().');';
    echo '</script>';
    flush(); // used to send the echoed data to the client

    sleep(1); // a little break to unload the server CPU

As you can see from this example, the page will never finish rendering which means the browser always has an open connection to the server. It should also be noted that the payload of each new event is the Javascript function that you want the browser to execute to update the relevant part of the page. This technique works in most common browsers since it uses established technologies like iframes and Javascript. The main problems are that since it is somewhat of a hack, it is somewhat opaque to for web applications to determine the current state of the communication between the browser and the server (e.g. error handling).

Another common technique is long polling. With this approach the browser application makes an asynchronous request for data from the server either using XMLHttpRequest or a script tag. Once data is returned, another request of the same type is made. The essentially permanently keeps an open connection between the browser and the server. This approach is often favored by developers because it reuses common AJAX techniques and doesn’t require any special client-side techniques. The main challenge with long polling and other COMET techniques is choosing a server-side framework that can solve the C10K problem. Specifically, traditional web servers are designed to handle short-lived connections between browsers and the server due to the request/response nature of HTTP. With COMET, we can have thousands to tens of thousands of browsers keeping an open connection to a server. To address this problem there are now a number of dedicated COMET application servers with some of the more notable implementations ones being FriendFeed's Tornado and Jetty.

The W3C’s HTML 5 working group is working on making COMET part of the next generation of HTML with the creation of the WebSockets specification. This formalizes the notion of an XMLHttpRequest-style object that can create a permanent bi-directional connection to the server without the hacks of long polling (i.e. re-establishing a connection whenever data is sent) and is also resistant to some of the issues long polling faces when going through HTTP intermediaries such as firewalls and proxy servers.

Notifications at the Speed of Light: Go Beyond Polling with PubSubHubbub

Content syndication using XML syndication technologies such as RSS and Atom is a key part of how many websites and web users consume content today. However XML syndication is traditionally not a real-time experience because feed readers work by polling a feed at specific intervals which could be anything from minutes to hours apart. Since polling is an inefficient way to get content updates it isn’t feasible to get updates within seconds from when they happen without overloading the service that is being polled. This calls for new communications patterns where clients are notified of changes as they happen instead of having to poll for them with the time lag that this entails.

To solve this problem, a couple of Google employees have proposed the PubSubHubbub protocol (commonly abbreviated as PuSH) as a way to bring real-time notifications to content syndication on the Web. The workflow for a PuSH system is as follows

  1. A feed producer declares its Hub server(s) in its Atom or RSS XML file, via <link rel="hub" ...>. The hub(s) can be run by the publisher of the feed, or can be a community hub that anybody can use.
  2. A feed reader or subscriber initially polls the feed as usual. .
  3. On seeing that the feed supports PuSH, the subscriber declares it’s interest in getting real-time notifications from the hub when the feed is updated. This is done by registering a callback URL so it can receive the newly updated content whenever the feed is updated.
  4. When the feed producer next updates the feed, the publisher also pings the Hub(s) indicating there is an update.
  5. The hub then retrieves the feed and publishes the changes to all interested subscribers by POSTing an Atom or RSS item to their specified callback URLs

PubSubHubbub provides a more complete solution that other approaches such as Twitter’s firehose. With explicit subscription, services can use PuSH to get notified about updates that are either private or require authentication. With a firehose approach, all public content generated on the site is shared with all subscribers while private content is not provided since it isn’t really feasible to cherry pick which authenticated content should go to which consumer of the firehose.

There are already a number of sites consuming and producing PubSubHubbub including MySpace, LiveJournal, Google Reader, Tumblr and FriendFeed.

Creating and Consuming Fire Hoses: The Lynchpin of Real-Time Search

To many social media observers the real-time web refers to the ecosystem that has sprung up around status updates on sites like Twitter and Facebook. Being able to analyze status updates as they occur to determine people’s sentiments on a news event as it occurs or detect breaking news is a rapidly growing space with lots of players including Microsoft’s Bing, Tweetmeme and Sysomos among others. These services typically work by consuming a never ending stream of updates from the target services and then processing the updates as they are received. Twitter calls this never ending stream of updates a “firehose” and I’ll use this term to describe similar offerings from other services.

A firehose works similar to the COMET servers described earlier. A client connects to a server via HTTP and then starts to receive a stream of updates as they occur in some structured format. An early version of such a firehose is the SixApart Update Stream which is used to provide real-time feeds on changes to TypePad, Vox and [formerly] LiveJournal blogs to interested parties. From the SixApart developer documentation

Connecting to the Stream

To connect to the stream a simple HTTP GET request is issued to the following endpoint:

Once a connection is established, the Atom Server will then begin transmitting to the client any content that is injected into the stream. Additionally, the Atom Stream Server transmits timestamps every second both to keep the connection alive (in case it goes idle), and to provide you a marker so you know how far you've gotten so you can reconnect at a certain point in time if you restart your listener.

Example Stream
		GET /atom-stream.xml HTTP/1.0

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml
Connection: close

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<sorryTooSlow youMissed="5" />

This is very similar to the Twitter Streaming API with the primary differences being supported data formats (Twitter supports both JSON and XML output), support for filter predicates such as being limited to a firehose of posts containing references to  “superbowl”  and the fact that Twitter also provides notifications of deleted status updates in the stream. 

Applications that consume such streams need to be carefully coded to handle falling behind and being able to restart from where they stopped if disconnected for any reason.

Learning More

If you find this topic interesting, I’ll be speaking about the real-time Web at two industry conferences next month with experts from noted Web companies.

MIX 10: Building Platforms and Applications for the Real-Time Web
From news feeds to search, the Web has become all about real-time access to news and other information as it happens. This panel will discuss what it takes to build the platforms and user experiences that power some of the most notable services on the real-time web. Come hear a lively discussion about the real-time web with moderator Dare Obasanjo (Microsoft) and panelists Ari Steinberg (Facebook), Brett Slatkin (Google), Chris Saad (JS-Kit Echo), Lili Cheng (Microsoft) and Ryan Sarver (Twitter).

SXSW: Can the Real-Time Web Be Realized?
The emergence of the real-time web enables an unprecedented level of user engagement and dynamic content online. However, the rapidly growing audience puts new, complex demands on the architecture of the web as we know it. This panel will discuss what is needed to make the real-time web achievable. Organizer: Brett Slatkin.

Note Now Playing: Young Money - Bedrock (featuring Lloyd) Note



February 15, 2010
@ 02:59 PM

From the Google Wave Federation architecture white paper 

Google Wave is a new communication and collaboration platform based on hosted documents (called waves) supporting concurrent modifications and low-latency updates. This platform enables people to communicate and work together in new, convenient and effective ways. We will offer these benefits to users of and we also want to share them with everyone else by making waves an open platform that everybody can share. We welcome others to run wave servers and become wave providers, for themselves or as services for their users, and to "federate" waves, that is, to share waves with each other and with In this way users from different wave providers can communicate and collaborate using shared waves. We are introducing the Google Wave Federation Protocol for federating waves between wave providers on the Internet.

From a Buzz post by Dewitt Clinton, a Google employee

The best way to get a sense of where the Buzz API is heading is to take a look at You'll notice that the "coming soon" section mentions a ton of protocols—Activity Streams, Atom, AtomPub, MediaRSS, WebFinger, PubSubHubbub, Salmon, OAuth, XFN, etc.

What it doesn't talk much about is Google. That's because the goal isn't Google specific at all. The idea is that someday, any host on the web should be able to implement these open protocols and send messages back and forth in real time with users from any network, without any one company in the middle. The web contains the social graph, the protocols are standard web protocols, the messages can contain whatever crazy stuff people think to put in them. Google Buzz will be just another node (a very good node, I hope) among many peers. Users of any two systems should be able to send updates back and forth, federate comments, share photos, send @replies, etc., without needing Google in the middle and without using a Google-specific protocol or format.

From Mark Sigal’s post Google Buzz: Is it Project, Product or Platform?

I think that it's great that Google is iterating Gmail (read Tim O'Reilly's excellent write-up on it here), and actually improving an existing product, versus rolling out a knock-off of something that is already in the market.

Nonetheless. I am confused. I thought that Google Wave was destined to be the new Gmail, but after yesterday's announcement, I am left wondering if Gmail is, instead, the new Google Wave.

Since the saying goes that people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones, I won’t make any comment besides sharing these links with you.

Note Now Playing: 50 Cent - Crime Wave Note


NOTE: For an official Microsoft statement on Google Buzz, go here. This post is a discussion of recent trends in social networking features in our industry and how they impact web users focusing on a feature of Google Buzz as a kick off point.  

One of the much lauded features of the recently released Google Buzz is autofollowing which is described as “No setup needed: Automatically follow the people you email and chat with a lot”. This feature solves the what if you build it and they don’t come problem that Google Buzz faced. What if when presented with a bunch of FriendFeed-like features in Gmail, people decided that they don’t want to build another social network when they’ve already done so on places like Facebook, MySpace and Twitter? Auto-following ensured that Gmail users already had a populated network of people they were receiving status updates from once Google Buzz was launched. So from the perspective of Google, it’s a great feature.

But is the feature in the best interests of users? Ignoring some of the privacy issues of the people you email with becoming a public friends list there is still the question of whether the feature is good for users in isolation. Here’s a story; my wife is divorced and has kids from her previous marriage. This means she exchanges a lot of email with her ex-husband and his new wife around kid visiting schedules, vacations, etc. Do you think my wife would consider it a great feature if one day she started getting status updates on how her ex-husband and his new wife spend their days due to introduction of social networking features in her email client?

Those of us building social networking products have a responsibility not only to ask if a feature is good for our product but also whether it is good for our users as well. Sometimes these goals align and sometimes they do not. What we do when they don’t is what defines us as an industry.

I want to also call out some of the thought leadership on this topic that has come from Marshall Kirkpatrick over on ReadWriteWeb with posts such as Why Facebook is Wrong: Privacy Is Still Important where he discusses Facebook’s privacy changes from last year. Personally, I think Facebook cleaned up their privacy model because they used to have privacy setting based on regional networks where user data was visible to people in a geographic region (e.g. everyone in New York city or everyone in Australia can see my profile information) which is actually kind of dumb. There have been legitimate privacy issues related to such loose settings such as Rudy Giulani's daughter being a Barrack Obama supporter being visible to everyone from New York city on Facebook. With the change people with such settings were asked if they wanted their profiles to be public since they effectively were in the old model. The question Marshall Kirkpatrick brings up is whether it is better for Facebook users in such situations to be asked do you want to go from everyone in New York can see my data –> public or only visible to my friends and networks? It is clear which is better for Facebook as a service but not so clear what is better for their users with regards to their personal notions of privacy and mental well being.

Social networking has transformed the way people communicate and relate to each other in many tangible ways. However they are built on real human relationships and connections. I hate the thought that people’s relationships and communications are becoming the ammunition in a war between web companies to dominate a particular online space. We can be better than that. We must be better than that.

Note Now Playing: Bun B - You're Everything (featuring Rick Ross, David Banner, Eightball & MJG) Note



PPK over at the QuirksMode blog recently wrote a rant titled The iPhone Obsession where he berates developers for focusing on the building mobile sites that are targeted towards well on the iPhone. To make his point, he uses the following statistics


Let’s illustrate that last remark with some smartphone sales stats:

  1. Nokia: 39%
  2. RIM: 20% (BlackBerry)
  3. Apple: 15% (this 15% is obviously far more important than the previous 59%)
  4. HTC: 5%
  5. Other: 21% (Samsung is expected to make a major jump this year)

Source: Morgan Stanley Mobile Internet Report (48Meg PDF) p. 160

And here are the smartphone OS stats, also from Tomi Ahonen (whose blog I highly recommend, by the way):

  1. Symbian: 45% (all of Nokia plus a bit of SonyEricsson and Samsung)
  2. BlackBerry: 20%
  3. iPhone: 15% (this 15% is obviously far more important than the previous 65%)
  4. Windows Mobile: 6% (HTC, Samsung, SonyEricsson)
  5. Android: 4% (HTC, Samsung, SonyEricsson, Motorola, Google)
  6. Other: 10% (Various Linux builds, Palm, as well as really obscure stuff. Will be reinforced by Samsung Bada during this year.)

Despite the platform having only 15% sales market share we all want our mobile websites to look exactly like an iPhone app and we only want to use iPhone features.

Although these statistics seem persuasive they are actually totally useless when it comes to arguing the point of which browsers mobile developers should target. Ownership of a mobile phone doesn’t directly equate to using it for browsing the web. The important metric is the smartphone OS breakdown among people who actually use the mobile web on their phones.

You can get these stats easily from AdMob's mobile metrics report which is based on measuring ad impressions across various mobile sites across various smartphone OSes. These metrics paint a very different picture from the sales data as shown below

OS share

According to these stats, the iPhone OS is actually the major source of traffic for the mobile web in most continents except for Africa and Asia. What this tells you is that developers aren’t being stupid when they try to ensure their sites work well on the iPhone.

That said, I agree that it is a bad idea for developers to specifically target features of a particular browser versus using web standards. However that is different from making sure your site works well in the most popular platform used for browsing mobile websites in your particular market.



About two weeks ago Chris Messina wrote a post titled OpenID Connect where he argued for the existence of a Facebook Connect style technology build on OpenID. He describes the technology as follows

So, to summarize:

  • for the non-tech, uninitiated audiences: OpenID Connect is a technology that lets you use an account that you already have to sign up, sign in, and bring your profile, contacts, data, and activities with you to any compatible site on the web.
  • for techies: OpenID Connect is OpenID rewritten on top of OAuth WRAP using service discovery to advertise Portable Contacts, Activity Streams, and any other well known API endpoints, and a means to automatically bootstrap consumer registration and token issuance.

This is something I brought up over a year ago in my post Some Thoughts on OpenID vs. Facebook Connect. The fact is that OpenID by itself is simply not as useful as Facebook Connect. The former allows me to sign-in to participating sites with my existing credentials while the latter lets me sign-in, share content with my social network, personalize and find my friends on participating sites using my Facebook identity.

As I mentioned in my previous post there are many pieces of different “Open brand” technologies that can be pieced together to create something similar to Facebook Connect such as OpenID + OpenID Attribute Exchange + Portable Contacts + OAuth WRAP + Activity Streams. However no one has put together a coherent package that ties all of these together as a complete end-to-end solution. This isn’t helped by the fact that these specs are at varying levels of maturity and completion.

One of the reasons this hasn’t happened is for a reason I failed to anticipate. Back in late 2008, I assumed we would see lots of competitors to Facebook Connect. This hasn’t truly materialized. Google Friend Connect has turned out to be an interesting combination of OpenID sign-in and the ability to add “social” widgets to your site but not about integrating with Google’s social networking services in a deep way (probably because Google doesn’t have any?). MySpaceID has failed to gain traction and lacks key features of Facebook Connect such as being able to publish rich activities from a 3rd party site to MySpace. And that’s it. Those two technologies are the closest to Facebook Connect from a major online player and they fall far short.

So do we need an OpenID Connect? We would if there were lots of Facebook Connect style offerings that significantly differed in implementation. However there aren’t. One could argue that perhaps the reason we don’t have many is that there are no standards that guide websites on what to implement. However this sounds like using “standards” for inventing technologies instead of standardizing best practice. I’ve always considered this questionable from my days working with XML technologies XML Schema, SOAP and WSDL.

If you got together to create an OpenID Connect now, the best you could do is come up with a knock off of Facebook Connect using “Open brand” technologies since that’s the only example we have to work off of. That’s great until Facebook Connect adds more features or websites finally wrap their heads around this problem space and actually start competing with Facebook Connect. Premature standardization hinders instead of helps.

Although we might need OpenID Connect someday, that day isn’t today.

Note Now Playing: Ke$ha - TiK ToK Note


Marshall Kirkpatrick has a post entitled Facebook's Zuckerberg Says The Age of Privacy is Over where he reviews some quotes by Mark Zuckerburg, the founder of Facebook, on their recent privacy changes and how these changes are reflecting evolving social norms. Below is an excerpt on Marshall's take on Mark Zuckerburg's comments

Facebook allows everyday people to share the minutiae of their daily lives with trusted friends and family, to easily distribute photos and videos - if you use it regularly you know how it has made a very real impact on families and social groups that used to communicate very infrequently. Accessible social networking technology changes communication between people in a way similar to if not as intensely as the introduction of the telephone and the printing press. It changes the fabric of peoples' lives together. 350 million people signed up for Facebook under the belief their information could be shared just between trusted friends. Now the company says that's old news, that people are changing. I don't believe it.

I think Facebook is just saying that because that's what it wants to be true.

There's lots of food for thought here. At first I wondered whether Facebook would have become the global phenomenon that is today where your friends, neighbors, coworkers and old school chums are sharing the minutiae of their lives with you if it had been public by default. Then I realized that sort of thinking doesn't matter since Facebook has 350 million users today so wondering how things could have turned out years ago with a different design isn't particularly interesting.  

What is interesting is considering why Facebook would want it to be true that many of their users think nothing of making their Facebook data public versus sharing it within their social network? The simple answer is Twitter.

Below is the Google Trends chart showing the difference in traffic between both sites.

In looking at the above chart, one might think it ludicrous that Facebook would have anything to fear from Twitter given that it has at least an order of magnitude more users. However compare the above chart to a comparison of news references and search queries for the phrases "search twitter" versus "search Facebook".

There are two things you learn from the above chart. The first is that the news media is a lot more interested in talking about search and Twitter instead of search and Facebook. This implies that even though Facebook has similar features to Twitter and ten times the user base, people don't talk about the power of being able to search Facebook status updates like they do about Twitter. The second is that there actually more interest from people actually doing search queries in searching content on Facebook than in searching Twitter content which is unsurprising since Facebook has a lot more users.

However the fact that status updates and other content on Facebook is private by default means Facebook cannot participate in this space even though it has the same kind of content that Twitter does but it is more valuable because they have lots more content and it is backed by real identities not anonymous users. Here's a quick list of the top of my head of the kinds of apps you can enable over Twitter's public stream of status updates that Facebook was locked out of until their privacy change

  1. What The Trend – Lists topics that are currently trending on Twitter and why. Often a quick way to find breaking news before it is reported by the mainstream media.
  2. TweetmemeThe top links that are currently being shared on Twitter. Another source of breaking news and cool content. It's like Digg and Reddit but without having to vote on content on some geeky "social news" site.
  3. Bitly.TVA place to watch the videos that are currently being shared on Twitter.
  4. Twittervision – A cool way to idle away the minutes by seeing what people all over the world are saying on Twirter.
  5. Google Real-Time search – See what Twitter users are saying about a particular search term in real-time as part of your search results
  6. Filtrbox – A tool that enables companies to see what their customers are saying about their products and brands on Twitter

All of these and more are the kinds of scenario Facebook could enable if their status update streams are public instead of private. People think Twitter is worth $1 billion because it is sitting on this well of real-time status updates and has created this ecosystem of services that live of its stream. However Facebook is sitting on ten times as much data yet could not be a part of this world because of their history of being a privacy centered social network. Being able to participate in the real-time search increases Facebook value and broadens its reach across the Web. With the privacy changes in place this will now be the case. Especially since 50 percent of their users have accepted the more public default privacy settings. Facebook can now participate in the same real-time ecosystem as Twitter and will bring more content that is easier to trust since it comes from people's real identities.

That said, I commend the people at Facebook for having the courage to evolve their product in the face of new market opportunities instead of being tied to their past. Lots of companies let themselves be ruled by fear and thus stick to the status quo for fear of ticking off their users which often leads to bored users. Kudos.  

Note Now Playing: Flobots - Handlebars Note


Categories: Social Software

Recently I came across two blogs I thought were interesting and would love to follow regularly; Chris Dixon's blog and the Inside Windows Live blog. What surprised me was that my first instinct was to see if they were on Twitter instead of adding their RSS feeds to my favorite RSS reader. I thought this was interesting and decided to analyze my internal thought process that led me to preferring following blogs via Twitter instead of consuming the RSS feeds in Google Reader + RSS Bandit.

I realized it comes down to two things, one I’ve mentioned before and the second which dawned on me recently

  1. The first problem is that the user experience around consuming feeds in traditional RSS readers which take their design cues from email readers is all sorts of wrong. I’ve written about this previously in my post The Top 5 Reasons RSS Readers Went Wrong. Treating every blog post as important enough that I have view the entire content and explicitly mark it as read is wrong. Not providing a consistent mechanism to give the author feedback or easily reshare the content is archaic in today’s world. And so on.

  2. The mobile experience for consuming Twitter streams is all sorts of awesome. I currently use Echofon to consume Twitter on my phone and have used Twitterific which is also excellent. I’ve also heard people say lots of good things about Tweetie. On the other hand, I haven’t found a great mobile application for consuming RSS feeds on my mobile phone which may be a consequence of #1 above.

So I’ve been thinking about how to make my RSS experience more like my Twitter experience given that not all the blogs I read are on Twitter or will ever be on the service. At first I flirted with building a tool that automatically creates a Twitter account for a given RSS feed but backed away from that when I remembered that the Twitter team hates people using it as a platform for rebroadcasting RSS feeds.

I realized that what I really need is a Twitter applicationthat also understands RSS feeds and shows them in the same stream. In addition, I may have been fine with this being a new app on the Web but don’t want to lose the existing Twitter clients on my mobile phone. So I really want a web app that shows me a merged Twitter/RSS streams and that exposes the Twitter API so I can point apps like Echofon/Twitterific/Tweetie at it.

As I thought about which web app could be closest to doing this today I landed on Brizzly and Seesmic Web. These sites are currently slightly different web interfaces to to the Twitter service which [at least to me] currently haven’t provided enough value above and beyond the Twitter website for me to use on a regular basis. Being able to consume both my RSS feeds and my Twitter stream on such services would not only serve as a differentiator between them and other Twitter web clients but would also be functionality that Twitter wouldn’t be able to make obsolete given their stated dislike of RSS content on their service.

I’d write something myself except that I doubt that the authors of Twitter mobile apps will be interested in making it easy to consume a Twitter stream from sites other than unless lots of their users ask for this feature which will only happen if services like Brizzly, Seesmic Web and others start providing a reason to consume Twitter-like streams from non-Twitter sources. 


A couple of weeks ago Paul Adams, a user experience researcher at Google, wrote a post titled Why “Liking” is about more than just liking which contained the following insight

Why do people ‘like’ things on social networks?

It would be easy for us to assume that it is because they liked the content. But it is a bit more complicated than that. It’s a combination of the content, and the person who posted it.

People sometimes ‘like’ content, not because they actually like it, but because they want a lightweight way of building their relationship with the other person. It’s similar to being in a group, maybe in a bar or cafe, and there is someone there that you’d like to get to know better. They tell a joke that isn’t very funny - but you laugh that extra bit louder, and grab a bit of eye contact, just to build that relationship

What this means: Just because someone ‘liked’ a YouTube video about Budweiser, that doesn’t mean that they’ll respond positively to Budweiser advertising. It also doesn’t mean that they want to become a member of the Budweiser fan page. In fact, they may dislike Budweiser, but like the person who shared the video. By targeting Budweiser ads, you may do more damage to the brand than good. When targeting advertising on social networks, mining content in the absence of understanding the people relationships is a risky strategy.

I agree that in the context of Facebook, liking a status update or shared link is often just as much about phatic communication as it is about the content that is being shared. In the example from the screenshot, the people who liked the item aren’t saying they like the key terms in the status updat(i.e. hospitality, Tokyo, Japanese, etc) but instead are showing interest in the poster’s news from their trip abroad. When considered, the fact is that the work like actually harms the feature’s use since I’ve seen people want to show some sign of support by “liking” an item on Facebook but then shied away when considering what the word actually means. For example, I was recently a victim of identity theft and I know someone who almost clicked the “like” button as a show of support until he realized he didn’t want people to think he actually liked the fact that I was a victim of fraud.

However Facebook’s isn’t the only model for users in a social media application to show their appreciation for the status updates of others. Both FriendFeed’s like feature and Twitter’s retweet also provide a mechanism for showing one’s interest in another’s status update but also have the side effect of sharing this update with your friends as well. On both of these services, a user clicking on Like/Retweet often means they are interested in the content they are sharing not just engaging in social niceties with a friend online.

In other words, although it may not make sense for Facebook to target against ads to you based on the content of the status updates you’ve liked, it may actually make sense for Twitter or Twitter apps to target ads based on the content you’ve retweeted. 


Categories: Social Software

There are a couple of posts written this past weekend about services beginning to expose their services using the Twitter API and how this marks the rise of Twitter as a de facto standard for use in microblogging (or whatever we're calling it these days).

The first post I was on this topic was from Fred Wilson in his post Open APIs and Open Standards where he writes

As Dave Winer has been pointing out in recent weeks, there is something quite interesting happening in the blogging/microblogging world.

First WordPress allowed posting and reading wordpress blogs via the Twitter API.

Then yesterday our portfolio company Tumblr did the same.

John Borthwick has been advising companies for a while now to build APIs that mimic the Twitter API. His reasoning is that if your API look and feels similar to the Twitter API then third party developers will have an easier time adopting it and building to it. Makes sense to me.

But what Wordpress and Tumblr have done is a step farther than mimicing the API. They have effectively usurped it for their own blogging platforms. In the case of Tumblr, they are even replicating key pieces of their functionality in it

Anil Dash quickly followed up by declaring The Twitter API is Finished. Now What? and stating

Twitter's API has spawned over 50,000 applications that connect to it, taking the promise of fertile APIs we first saw with Flickr half a decade ago and bringing it to new heights. Now, the first meaningful efforts to support Twitter's API on other services mark the maturation of the API as a de facto industry standard and herald the end of its period of rapid fundamental iteration.

From here, we're going to see a flourishing of support for the Twitter API across the web, meaning that the Twitter API is finished. Not kaput, complete. If two companies with a significant number of users that share no investors or board members both support a common API, we can say that the API has reached Version 1.0 and is safe to base your work on. So now what?

This is a pattern that repeats itself regularly in the software industry; companies roll their own proprietary APIs or data formats in a burgeoning space until one or two leaders emerge and then the rest of the industry quickly wants to crown a winning data format or API to prevent Betamax vs. VHS style incompatibility woes for customers and developers.

Given that this is a common pattern, what can we expect in this instance? There are typically two expected outcomes when such clamoring for a company's proprietary platform or data format to become the property reaches a fever pitch. The first outcome is similar to what Anil Dash and Fred Wilson have described. Some competitors or related companies adopt the format or API as is to take advantage of the ecosystem that has sprung up around the winning platform. This basically puts the company (Twitter in this case) in a spot where they either have to freeze the API or bear the barbs from the community if they ever try to improve the API in a backwards incompatible way.

The problem with freezing the API is that once it becomes a de facto standard all sorts of folks will show up demanding that it do more than it was originally expected to do since they can't ship their own proprietary solutions now that there is a "standard". This is basically what happened during the RSS vs. Atom days where Dave Winer declared that RSS is Frozen. What ended up happening was that there were a lot of people who felt that RSS and it's sister specifications such as the MetaWeblog API were not the final word in syndicating and managing content on the Web. Dave Winer stuck to his guns and people were left with no choice but to create a conflicting de jure standard to compete with the de facto standard that was RSS. So Atom vs. RSS became the XML syndication world's Betamax vs. VHS or Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD. As a simple thought experiment, what happens if Twitter goes along with the idea that their API is some sort of de facto standard API for microcontent delivered in real-time streams. What happens when a company like Facebook decides to adopt this API but needs to API to be expanded because it doesn't support their features? And that they need the API to be constantly updated since they add new features on Facebook at a fairly rapid clip? Amusingly enough there are already people preemptively flaming Facebook for not abandoning their API and adopting Twitter's even though it is quite clear to any observer that Facebook's API predates Twitter's, has more functionality and is supported by more applications & websites.

Things get even more interesting if Facebook actually did decide to create their own fork or "profile" of the Twitter API due to community pressure to support their scenarios. Given how this has gone down in the past such as the conflict between Dave Winer and the RSS Advisory board or more recently Eran Hammer-Lahav's strong negative reaction to the creation of OAuth WRAP which he viewed as a competitor to OAuth, it is quite likely that a world where Facebook or someone else with more features than Twitter decided to adopt Twitter's API wouldn't necessarily lead to everyone singing Kumbaya.

Let's say Twitter decides to take the alternate road and ignores this hubbub since the last thing a fast moving startup needs is to have their hands tied by a bunch of competitors telling them they can't innovate in their API or platform any longer. What happens the first time they decide to break their API or even worse deprecate it because it no longer meets their needs? That isn't far fetched. Google deprecated the Blogger API in favor of GData (based on the Atom Publishing Protocol) even though Dave Winer and a bunch of others had created a de facto standard around a flavor of the API called the MetaWeblog API. About two weeks ago Facebook confirmed that they were deprecating a number of APIs used for interacting with the news feed. What happens to all the applications that considered these APIs to be set in stone? It is a big risk to bet on a company's platform plans even when they plan to support developers let alone doing so as a consequence of a bunch of the company's competitors deciding that they want to tap into its developer ecosystem instead of growing their own.

The bottom line is that it isn't as simple as saying "Twitter is popular and it's API is supported by lots of apps so everyone needs to implement their API on their web site as well". There are lots of ways to create standards. Crowning a company's proprietary platform as king without their participation or discussion in an open forum is probably the worst possible way to do so.

Note Now Playing: Eminem - Hell Breaks Loose Note


From the Facebook blog post Updates on Your New Privacy Tools

Can I limit access to my Friend List?

Many of you have mentioned that you want a way to hide your list of friends. In response to your feedback, we've removed the "View Friends" link from search results, making your Friend List less visible on the site.

In addition, you can further limit the visibility of your Friend List to other people on Facebook if you want. After you've completed the transition to the new privacy settings, you'll be able to click on the pencil icon in the top-right corner of the "Friends" box on your profile. Unchecking "Show my friends on my profile" will prevent your Friend List from appearing in your profile when it is viewed by people who are logged in to Facebook. Keep in mind, however, that because Friend List is publicly available, it will be visible to people who are viewing your profile while not logged in. Again, you will only have this option once you've completed the transition to the new privacy settings.

Remember, you can also limit who can find you in searches on Facebook and control whether your information can be indexed by public search engines under "Search" on the Privacy Settings page.

That's awesome. I didn't realize when I joined Facebook that the service would retroactively decide that my list of friends was public knowledge and then would add a privacy setting to "hide" it from Facebook users that could be worked around by logging out. Join me as I say goodbye to my old privacy settings and old public version of my Facebook profile which kept my private information private.

R.I.P. Old Facebook Privacy settings

R.I.P. Old Facebook Public Profile


Categories: Social Software