Over the weekend, Torsten and I shipped a new release of RSS Bandit. Besides bug fixes there is one key new feature in the release, the ability to view and comment on your Facebook news feed. The flow for adding Facebook to the application is as follows. Go to the File->Synchronize Feeds menu option then select "Facebook"
then go through the Facebook Connect authorization flow including optionally signing in and granting the application permission to view your news feed
This creates a new feed source containing your Facebook news feed complete with inline comments as shown below
You can download the new release from here. More details about the bug fixes in the release are in the official RSS Bandit blog post on the release.
The primary purpose of this release (codenamed Colossus) was to bring stability to the code base before we made radical changes. With this release out of the way, we will start working on the Gambit release right away. The purpose of the next release is primarily to make RSS Bandit a more modern application that looks like it belongs on Windows 7 and Windows Vista instead of harkening back to the Office 2003 look of yesteryear.
You can see our plans for updating the RSS Bandit user interface in my blog post and prototype screenshots of the RSS Bandit ribbon. We will also support new features of Windows 7 such as jump lists. As usual, comments and feedback are welcome.
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